Lottery Tips That Increase Winnings

Most people play the lottery blind, meaning they use no proven lottery tips to help them win. Most people who play the lottery will never win, this due to the simple fact they have no idea how to increase their odds to win. Playing the lottery is actually a smart thing to do, as you could win a large winning at any point in time, which would be life changing. If you do not play the lottery of course this can never happen to you. You will always just look at the other people who have won the lottery and wish it was you who had that winning lottery ticket.

There are in fact many lottery winners who have won the lottery jackpot more than just once and did so by using real lottery tips that do increase winnings. If they did not use proven lottery tips or strategies, they most likely would have never even won the lottery one time. If you are going to play the lottery, it would be wise to play smarter! So what are the main proven lottery winning tips you should follow to increase your chances to win? While there are various lottery tips and strategies out there, only a few are actually proven worthwhile to apply. Let see how you answer these questions about how you play the lottery, then you will have an idea of what you need to change to be more successful.

  1. How many lottery tickets do you generally play each lottery draw? If you are only playing one or two lottery tickets or lines each draw, your not increasing your enough odds to win by much, you need to play more tickets each and every draw.
  2. Are you playing the lottery consistently, meaning playing every draw and not playing for two draws then miss three, then playing again? This is a lottery tip or strategy most people never follow and they should as it works to increase your win rate, especially if using a lottery system which is the next most important lottery winning tip.
  3. Are you using a lottery system to help boost your chances to win the lottery? If you answered no, you need to definitely use one. All top lottery experts and most lottery winners use and apply some type of lottery strategy, or a system, as they know it increases your odds to win easier. Any strategy that has been proven to help increase your odds to win the lottery, must be applied to get the highest win rate possible, there simply is no other way.

So to seriously boost your lottery winnings, you need to apply these three main winning lottery tips if you actually want to win easier!

As for what lottery system you should be using, there are many available, most do very little to increase your odds to win, so you need to know which systems will give you the best results possible. See the latest lottery system poll results. This poll shows real proof of which systems real people voted on which gave them the best over-all winning success, follow what works best!

We seriously recommend using one of the top three lottery systems to get the best winnings possible. The top over-all best winning system was the Lotto Guy Lottery System which is an excellent lottery winning formula that many are now using and recommending. Just remember that using a lottery system does not mean you will win for sure, it is just a lottery tool to help you win easier, there are no magic lottery winning secrets, just good sound playing strategy, which is the true key to win the lottery easier.


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Lottery Winning Tips That Beat The Lottery

When you play the lottery you are against very high odds to actually win big, this is why you need some expert lottery winning tips that beat the lottery, if you want to succeed! We have looked at many lottery games and most all of them have very poor odds to win. Your first and best lottery tip is to use a lottery system, as it will increase your odds to win the lottery over any other lotto strategy known. The hard part is to find a decent legit winning system that really does what it advertises to do.

Almost all lottery systems will help you to increase your odds so you have better results. The sad part is most lottery systems highly exaggerate or plain down right lie to you about the results the system will give you. We have put together a list of things to watch for when buying a lottery system. If the system has any of the items on the list, you may want to just walk away, as it will be of no great value to you.

If the system is stating higher than a 40% win rate, it is a false winning lottery system. If the system is a lottery analysis software system (past drawn numbers system), it is not worth buying, as all of these types of systems get their data free online at the same places you can and they never give you more than a 2% win rate in reality no matter what they advertise. Even the free lotto software systems work just as good. If a lottery system is sold through places such as ClickBank it will most likely be a marketer selling the system under a fake scenario as being developed by a Math Professor etc. This is what we call a false winning system and is definitely only meant to make the seller money, not win lottery games. These are the main red flags that indicate a bogus or shady lottery system.

Now lets look at some real proof of which lottery systems are winning lottery games by user votes. This is solid proof that cannot be faked like so many testimonials found on many lottery system sales pages.

20013 Best Winning Lottery System Official Poll Results!

20013 Best Winning Lottery System Official Poll Results!

The highest rated legit lottery system in the world, is a system called Lotto Guy Lottery System and is very well-known as a system that produces outstanding results. The system directly increases your odds to win as you use it consistently. This is a very high-tech designed system (not in software format but was developed from software) that gives 75% of the people who use it excellent results. It is also the same system that won the 2012 and 2013 best winning lottery system by poll votes, so it is the real deal!

Now that is a powerful system every lottery player who plays pick 5, pick 6 or even pick 7 lotto games should be using and it’s the best lottery winning tip we can give you! Remember this! Every single marker selling a B.S lottery system is Desperate For Sales, this is why they sell through places like ClickBank so affiliates can sell for them. Why would they need to do this if their system actually won lottery games for them and others, see what I mean, the system is B.S, does not win the lottery! Stick ONLY to real legit winning systems for real lottery winning success!

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